
American Craft Magazine: Winter 2023

“My life’s work is to create beauty. I love beauty’s quiet power. I am an activist for beauty. My protest is a prayer for a world set aflame by beauty. The writer bell hooks saw beauty as a virtue not reserved for art, but rather abundant in the everyday and the natural world. Hooks celebrated “the insistence that elegance and ecstasy are to be found in daily life, in our habits of being, in the ways we regard one another and the world around us.”

Beauty pulls at our heartstrings. It helps us sift through the clutter, grab hold of the darkness and destroy it like nothing else can. And when darkness is lifted, joy can spread. It multiplies. It expands. It gets into the shadowy corners and burns them clean.

I spend a lot of my time listening and watching. I aim to quietly bring light and beauty to this loud world. My devotion is to the humble piece of handwoven cloth. It’s my offering.” —Amber M. Jensen

Read the full article here


Tatter Journal Issue 3: Blue

“Blue moves its way across Amber Jensen’s textile work in the form of stitches, woven patches, and dye. Hand embroidered x’s, in groupings of blue hues, traverse the woolen, collaged terrains. A spectrum of shades implies light and depth. In her compositions, the artist offers us the barest suggestion of pattern and our attention is held, our minds stretching to name the song from a few bars of a long-forgotten melody.” —

Read the entire article here